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3D printing technology, 'custom made' successfully restored a young man's face

Oct 20,20

3D printing technology, 'custom made' successfully restored a young man's face

Mr. Xie, a 17-year-old young man with vigor and vitality, was seriously injured in a traffic accident. With the help of 3D printing technology, the stomatology team of Zhejiang Xin'an International Hospital restored the injured part in vitro, customized the operation plan for him, and successfully carried out precise surgery, which restored his face and saved his right eye which almost "ran away from home". He had misfortune, but fortunately, he was the blessing of misfortune.

On July 26, 2020, Mr. Xie suffered from a serious traffic accident. He was hit by hard objects on his face, and the orbit under his right face collapsed obviously. His face was covered with blood and had severe pain. He was sent to the emergency department of Xin'an international hospital by 120. Cranial CT showed multiple fractures of the anterior and lateral wall of the right maxillary sinus, zygomatic fracture of the maxilla and nasal bone fracture. After wound debridement and suture and anti infection treatment, they were transferred to the Department of Stomatology of our hospital for further treatment.
Mr. Xie's right facial orbital and maxilla zygoma are basically comminuted fractures. The whole orbital floor bone is broken and collapsed, and the eyeball is also moved. The broken bone of orbital floor can not be directly reduced. It is necessary to reconstruct the orbital floor and repair the displaced facial bones. Titanium mesh can be used to replace bone to support eyeball. However, the difficulty is that according to the conventional surgical method, no one can know the shape and size of the titanium mesh. If the titanium mesh is repeatedly adjusted and trimmed during the operation, it may be tried for countless times, and it may not be able to find a titanium mesh that is 100% suitable for the size of his orbital floor. The damage to the patients is unpredictable.
"The patient is still so young, we must try our best to help him improve his function and restore his appearance," said Ma Guo, director of the Department of Stomatology. "We thought of 3D printing technology to simulate the shape and size of the implant material for reduction and molding, and even accurately find the position of the broken bone fragments, so as to make the operation more accurate, not only shorten the operation time, but also more importantly It can reduce the injury and make the patients recover in function and appearance Finally, with the help of 3D printing technology, the Malaysian team successfully reconstructed the orbital floor and facial contour for Mr. Xie. A week later, Mr. Xie was discharged.

Application of 3D printing technology in medical field

With the development and maturity of 3D printing technology, it has been widely used in the fields of medical model manufacturing, tissue and organ regeneration, clinical repair treatment and drug research and development test.
1. Medical model manufacturing
Medical model is widely used in basic medicine and clinical experiment teaching, and the amount of medical model is also large. However, the medical model made by traditional method is complex and has a long cycle, which is easy to be damaged in the process of use. Using 3D printing technology to make medical teaching equipment, medical experimental model and other supplies, not only can avoid the above problems, but also can realize personalized production of special models according to the actual needs.
For high-risk surgery, in order to ensure the safe implementation of medical operation, doctors will analyze and plan according to the model of diseased organs to determine the important surgical plan. The advantages of using 3D printing technology to accurately control the materials can quickly prepare high-quality and high simulation organ models, help doctors to make accurate surgical planning, improve the success rate of surgery, and facilitate the intuitive communication between doctors and patients on the surgical plan.
A hospital in the United States has successfully separated the heads of a pair of conjoined twins. What is remarkable is that the hospital used the Israel obeject company's three-dimensional printer to produce an accurate conjoined head before the operation. According to this, a careful study of the operation plan was carried out, which made the operation go smoothly. It only took 22 hours, while the similar operation in the past was as long as 72 hours.
2. Cell preparation
In recent years, researchers have begun to pay more attention to 3D printing technology of cells. Such as the method of directly preparing animal organs and tissues by carrying cells for 3D printing. The advantage of this technique is to facilitate the cell formation and function recovery through the precise control of cell formation and cell preparation.
3. 3D printing of tissues and organs
Human tissue and organ substitute has always been a difficult problem in clinical medicine. Many patients lose their lives because of this. Moreover, human tissue and organ substitutes have high requirements for materials and are difficult to realize. However, with the development of science and technology, 3D printing of human organs has become possible.
The University of California, San Diego (UCSD) has successfully printed out a complex vascular network using a digital light processing (DLP) 3D printer developed by the University of California, San Diego (UCSD). Using 3D printing technology to print human organ model can not only simulate the human body's response to drugs, but also reduce the cost of drug research and development.
4. 3D printing implant
3D printing technology is used to manufacture orthopedic implants, which can effectively reduce the manufacturing cost of customized and small batch implants, and the implants can be better integrated into the human body and improve the treatment effect for patients. In recent years, metal 3D printing technology has been increasingly used in the medical industry to design and manufacture medical implants.
CSIRO, Australia's CSIRO, Melbourne medical implant company anatomics and British doctors have jointly carried out a 3D printing titanium polymer sternum implantation for a 61 year old British patient, Edward Evans, which is also the world's first. Previously, these implants will be made of pure titanium, and the 3D printed sternum implants can help reconstruct the "hard and soft tissue" of the human body better than the previous pure titanium implants.
5. 3D printing medicine
The advantage of 3D printing technology lies in the personalized preparation of complex structure, so it can realize the personalized customization of dosage, appearance, taste, etc. when used in pharmaceutical industry, 3D printing "tablet" can have special microstructure, which helps to improve the drug release behavior, thus improving the curative effect and reducing the side effects.
Aprecia, an American pharmaceutical company, successfully applied 3D printing technology to place active and inactive components of drugs layer by layer, and developed the world's first 3D printing drug spritam (chemical name: levetiracetam), which is a drug used to treat epilepsy. The pill printed with drug powder has the advantage of porous structure. It can dissolve quickly after contacting with water to exert its drug force and cope with sudden convulsions.
Although 3D printing technology needs to continue to improve, and more research needs to be invested in the field of new materials, it can not be denied that 3D printing is a feasible method for drug production at present. However, the biggest challenge of 3D printing drugs is not the technology itself, but the regulatory environment. If the drug is put on the market without strict regulatory requirements, it is difficult to ensure its safety and effectiveness.
As an emerging technology industry, 3D printing technology has had a profound impact in the medical field, promoting the rapid development of the medical field. However, at present, the various technologies of 3D printing medical materials are still immature. There is still a long way to go if we want to realize the wide application of 3D printing in the medical field.