CNC, 3D printing, sheet metal and other processes, professional production of a variety of metal, plastic hand model.



What is the design process of bending robot in sheet metal production?

Jun 17,21

What is the design process of bending robot in sheet metal production?
1. The design process of robot bending unit
Input information: product name, batch size, annual plan, workpiece technical data
-Design process
-Workshop location and communication
-Integration requirements
-Process description
-Layout alternatives
-IR selection (selection principle)
-Alternative estimation
-End - implementation effect (commercial, self designed)
-Layout presentation
-Additional accessories required (commercial, self-designed)
-Estimated processing time (cycle time)
-Cost calculation and payback period calculation
2. Layout design principle of bending robot unit
Layout is essential for productivity and flexibility of the production system. Flexibility is the ability to perform quick conversion of operating instructions or physical settings.
Flexibility has the following functions (part type, schedule conversion, error recovery, new part introduction). In fact, productivity is usually insufficient in terms of output relative to capital input. Productivity may not be the manufacturing performance standard, it is closely related to the competitive focus of the system.
The layout strategy specifies the process arrangement, related equipment and work area, including service and storage area; Promote the flow of goods and people within and between regions.
The goal is to develop a cost-effective layout that meets the following requirements:
L product specification and quantity
L process equipment and capacity
L quality of work
L building and site restrictions
A good layout standard is:
L maximum flexibility
L maximum integration
L maximum site usage
L maximum visibility
L maximum accessibility
L maximum security
L minimum distance
L minimum difficulty
Minimum problems and risks
L the most effective process
The advantages of good layout are:
L minimize the time and cost of the whole process by reducing unnecessary handling and movement.
L by maximizing the effective use of available space and resources, the total output of a given facility will be as high as possible.
The quality of products or services will be maintained through safer and more effective operation methods.
L simplify supervision by eliminating "hidden corners".